BOOM is...
a loud, deep, resonant sound
a movable arm over a DJ, carrying a mic
a period of great prosperity or rapid growth
Steve Shannon's BOOM BOOM room is ALL THAT! Let's talk about it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Can you hear the

So I'm 3 weeks into building the muscular body I've always wanted at Premier Fitness and I'm finding something deep inside I 
DO NOT recognize.

Driving Through The Pain

My familiar friends are still around:
The pain around the 4" titanium screw in my left foot
The pain in my right leg from tearing away all the ligaments that hold my quad to my knee
Blah, blah blah...

I'm the guy who just hung it up after it started to hurt.  Couldn't focus, didn't care, how could it be good to keep going when I hurt... blah, blah, blah.

I don't know where this ability to rip right through it is coming from.

Squeezing out sets of bicep curls until my arms are screaming.
So many squats I can't sit down without falling into the chair.
I worked my legs so hard this week that I almost threw up twice.
3 weeks ago it took me 20 minutes to do a mile on the treadmill,
2 weeks ago... 15 minutes,
NOW 11 minutes!
And the knee and foot aren't pleased!  But I don't seem to care.

I've got a goal... ALL THE REST IS BULLSHIT!

If I can do this... YOU CAN DO THIS!

March 4, 2011

almost 50lbs lost and from near 40% body fat to 20.64%

And I'm not done yet!!!!!!!!!!!

We must be ferocious... SO LOUD, THEY'RE AFRAID OF US!!!!
My dog, Pacino, doesn't like shovels... me neither

Has your game been suffering?  Here's a great way to give it a boost... Tip The Bartender WELL!  New (Harris Interactive) research says one of the Fastest ways to turn off a date is to nickel and dime the bartender.  More than half of women in the survey said they wouldn't go on another date with someone who didn't leave a tip.  63% of women said they find guys who leave good tips for bartenders more appealing.  60% of men said the same thing.  I have worked in nightclubs since the age of 16 and this research is DEAD ON!

SOFIA VERGARA loves thin, tight, stretchy pants.  And I love when people take pictures of her in thin, tight, stretchy pants.  You will too!

View the entire EPIC gallery here.

The holidays are a time to reunite with family, which makes certain things tricky:  Try having intimate relations with your spouse when you have relatives sleeping on an air mattress in the next room.

4 Ways To Get IT Done!
1. Long showers
2. Set the alarm for the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep or before everyone gets up.  Keep the volume down Cletus!
3. Take a nap.  Prepared the big meal, now you're exhausted and you need to 'lay down' for awhile.  Then your spouse will need to 'check on you'
4. Bribery.  "Here's 50 bucks, why don't ya'll go bowling while we --clean up--"

Merry Christmas to you and your family!  Let the stress go, have some treats and enjoy each other!

Let's make 2012 BOOM like a ... (Samuel L. Jackson's word)!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I voiced a commercial recently with a line about "life having meaning & purpose."  In one way or another I'll bet we all know what ours might be.  Here's the question I want to know... Does your life have enough BOOM?  

Those moments that almost knock you off your feet.  
Your favorite song turned all the way up while you're in your car
Dancing to that song on a crowded dance floor
Blasting through the last part of your workout knowing it's almost over
A kiss from someone you love that sends you straight to the sky
Your child discovering or learning something brand new
Buying a new pair of jeans A SIZE SMALLER!
you get the idea...

I'll bet you want more BOOM... I know I do!  I needed to make some changes in my life to make room for new BOOM (I promise not to keep making that rhyme).  The BOOM I was making, for the past 7 years, on the drums with The Stevee Nix has come to an end.  Now it's time to bring the...

DRUMS and the DJ gear out together!

I really miss the feeling of being right up next to a packed dance floor and all the different kinds of parties we can have together. 

Steve Shannon's Boom Boom Room Live!

 Boom Boom Room LIVE!
Saturday, December 17 @ Jumpin' Joe's 
1100 W. Galena Ave. Freeport, IL
Link to Facebook invite

Saturday, February 11 @ Tilted Kilt
Little Black Dress with 80's Hair
*This party is all 80's music

Saturday, March 3 @ Giovanni's
Swedish American Cruise Gala
*Tickets & show details coming soon

Saturday, March 17 @ Tilted Kilt
St. Patrick's Day Party

Friday, April 20 @ Kaney Aerospace Hangar
80's Party to benefit The Carrie Lynne Center
*Tickets & show details coming soon

Saturday, April 21 @ Flodin Boys & Girls Club
Retro Prom
*Tickets & show details coming soon

For bookings please send email requests to:

I'm going to confess my crime right away.  The next line IS stolen!

"Snow Time Is Grow Time"

We're hitting the season of layering our clothes and I like the idea of 'covering up' for the next several months and coming out on the other side (Spring), with a t-shirt covered "gun show" with a pec and ab parking lot (that last line was mine... don't do the crime if you can't do the time right?) 

If you read this blog regularly you're gonna see The Rock's picture often.  My goal is to see myself hanging from that bar looking like that.  A brotha's gotta have goals right!?!  Lofty as they may be.

That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.  I'm not completely sure how (just yet), but I'm learning.  I wish to be relentless in my education and execution.  I write this for two reasons; 1-affirmation and 2-accountability.

On the subject of accountability, I blew it recently!  My latest (Type 2) Diabetic A1C was a 7.2 and that's not the direction I wanted.  Prior to this latest test was my best A1C since diagnosis, a 6.7, and I was hoping for a 6.5 which would mean I could stop taking the 1 -  Actoplus Metformin (15/500) pill I take everyday.  For a Type 2 diabetic, this test is taken every 3 months and in that time I know exactly what caused the change - my workouts got a little scarce, a vacation and I slipped with my eating habits.  I lost more weight during that time, which is why Dr. Savic said the number wasn't higher.  But I know why this occurred and for me, that's a first.  I usually just put my head back in the sand and pretend it didn't happen. 

The Education

Why do so many men at the gym have wonderful upper-bodies with "Chicken Legs?"  I never understood why anyone would spend so much time building all that muscle and walk it around on a couple of sticks.  If there is an upside to being so overweight for so long, for me it was this - my legs are strong from carrying my fat-ass around.

I've got to step up my workouts for muscle growth now and I can't ignore a single body part, especially legs.  From Men's Health magazine, October 2011
...we burn more calories the day after a lower-body resistance session than the day after we work out our upper bodies because our lower half houses more muscle.  For more click here.
The experts from the article say the best approach, if working out only 3 or 4 days a week, is to train your entire body every other day.  Maximum metabolism elevation all week long!

The Execution
Last week I started training with Danny Stevens (owner) of the NEW Premier Fitness (Perryville, next to Gander Mountain).  "Train Together-Triumph Alone" is his motto and I couldn't be more excited for the future.  Stop by this place ASAP and see his beautiful new gym!  Danny refers to his ab sets as the "Ab Shredder"... and YES IT WAS!!!  He said; "great abs are made in the kitchen, but we're still gonna work 'em here.  I think the next few months are really going to test what I'm made of... sure hope I like the answer.

Weekday mornings 5:30-10am CDT
Listen globally here

Lemme tell ya 'bout the LEMON!

Lemon water is rich in several essential nutrients. It is known to have antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts immune system, improves digestion and maintains overall health. It can be used to treat various health conditions and prevent infections. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that you begin your day with refreshing lemon water.

• Lemon water is the best source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It removes harmful, free radicals from the body and improves immune systems. Lemon water also acts as a blood purifier.
• Lemon water is used to prevent and treat different infections as well as to control allergies. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is effective in healing wounds. Lemon water is helpful in relieving symptoms of sore throat, tonsillitis or asthma. 
• Lemon water plays an important role in maintaining digestive health. It boosts metabolism and improves functioning of digestive systems and prevents various digestive problems like constipation, indigestion, nausea, heartburn and parasites. It also helps dissolve gallstones. • Lemon water is effective in body cleansing and detoxification. It maintains good health by eliminating harmful toxins from the body. 
• Another important benefit of lemon water is that it strengthens liver functioning and stimulates it to produce more enzymes essential for different body processes. A well-functioning liver is the key to a healthy body. 
• Since lemon water has a diuretic effect, it is beneficial for people with urinary tract infections. 
• Lemon water is helpful in treating arthritis and rheumatism. 
• Daily consumption of warm lemon water is one of the effective remedies to get rid of obesity and belly fat. 
• Lemon water is one of the most effective regimens for skin and hair care. 

Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It rejuvenates the skin and gives a clear, radiant, glowing complexion. Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for acne control. It can also be used to treat various skin diseases like eczema. Application of lemon juice on the skin is effective in preventing sunburn. If you apply lemon water to your hair for a few minutes and then rinse with water, it will make your hair clean and shiny.  Lemon juice externally applied on the nostrils can help stop nosebleeds and when massaged onto the gums control bleeding gums . Lemon juice combined with glycerin is effective to heal chapped lips.

Squeeze a slice in your bottle and enjoy this little "Lemon" ditty!

In the latest Men's Health magazine, The 100 Sexiest Women Of All Time. And I couldn't agree with #1 more! I've sat through some of the shittiest movies just to stare at her. For most of the 90's you couldn't get away from her hairstyle or her nipples... good times! The Sexiest Woman of all Time, according to Men's Health... JENNIFER ANNISTON

(from Danny Stevens of Premier Fitness) Brother's really big into squeezin' that muscle at the end of each rep and in all seriousness, it's putting more blood in the muscle and THAT'S what's gonna make 'em grow so I gotta get with it but it will really wear you down. So were doing hamstrings and I tell him that I'm going to have issues with the squeeze here because I get 'charlie horses' often in my hamstrings from playing drums (especially in the summer). Then he throws me a tip for muscle cramps that I can't wait to see work. Eat some salt when you get the cramp and he said I will go right away.

Honestly, in my opinion, most new Christmas songs are terrible. The classics still work... even when current artists redo them. But, once in a while a NEW one sounds pretty good...Time to WAKE UP the HAPPINESS! Train's Shake Up Christmas.

Who Got TheBOOM?
And we close with... A little boom from the birthday girl! Sheila E. (12/12) on David Letterman Drum Solo Week. And she BOOMS in heels!!!!!!

Steve Shannon's Boom Boom Room
Coming to Facebook soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Sweaty Palm Full of Nuts!

Blog follower email..."did you forget how to write?"
Blah blah blah... I got lazy, worked out, played with my girls, s@!# power's out!  Band had a couple gigs, worked out, played with my girls, s@!# power's out again!!!!  WTF, with all the power outages this summer?  Good thing I don't have as many belly rolls anymore... that sweat was brutal!  So, no I didn't forget how to write (said with an immature sneer), summer just got away from me for a second.  But I sure have a lot of stuff to say right now... like the fact that I'm now going to the pool with NO SHIRT!

Sweaty Betty's Medical Advice
I don't know when, in the last few months, I grew a pair of 'sensitive, little girl armpits' but I was using a Tom's brand deodorant/anti-perspirant with some peach or mango scent and I started getting a rash.  Before I go any further I need to reach into my deep 'pile' of medical knowledge and share something that will dramatically change your health FOREVER.  You know those little things that trouble us that we never tell anybody about because we either think nobody else would care or we're too embarrassed to share?  Things that hurt but we figure it'll just work itself out.  I'm not saying you better stop doing that, cause we all have some crazy shit going on, I'm just trying to do LESS "just, livin' with it!"   There it is by the way... that's my medical advice!  "Stop, Just, Livin' With It!"  Granted, a 'pit rash' isn't like a '3rd arm growing out of your neck' level issue, but it was bugging me so I asked HER.  Yes her, the one who's helping me get rid of my side-boobs now that my belly-rolls laid down and gave my sweat an 'expressway' to my underwear!  Of course I would ask her what to do, she's an MD, and she would have just the right stuff to make this uncomfortable, burning rash go away.  Dr. Savic sent me to Nutrition Works to buy a 'rock' in a pretty, red-velvet pouch.  So now every time I get out of the shower, while my pits are still damp, I rub a $10 Thai deodorant stone under there and no more rash and unbelievable odor protection.  I rub it under my feet too.  ATTENTION SWEATY BETTY'S!  This rock will HOLD back your funk... but it will NOT HIDE IT if your funk is already... shall we say... comin' out the speakers!!!!  Another piece of advice... Deodorant and Cologne are for AFTER bathing not INSTEAD of bathing!

Not A Damn Thing!
Being exempt from something was never an idea I could get behind.  For whatever reason the idea of not being able to do something, for any reason, just seems wrong.  Why shouldn't I, who says I can't, you're not the boss of me, just because nobody ever did it before doesn't mean it can't be done... and so on!  I subscribe to EVERY one of those theories.  Even if I should happen to suck at it, I'm going to do it anyway.  I'VE CHANGED MY MIND!  After having most of my tendons reattached that connect my quadricep my right knee... Oh, maybe I forgot to mention that they were torn off in 2010 because for about 3 months that year I apparently forgot how to stay on my feet in the snow & ice.  Anyway... my surgeon, Dr.  Chris Green, told me that there would be a few things that would still bother me more than a year later and it might limit a few physical activities.  He said when I start going down a flight of steps without thinking about it I would be pretty much completely healed.  When I started working out heavily I noticed that one exercise was going to have to wait... squats.  Every time I went down with weight, it felt like my kneecaps were going to pop right out of my skin and shoot across the gym!  For the last couple months I've been able to put them in my workouts without that weird 'kneecap across the room' feeling but not without a different kind of unbearable pain (in the ass).  2 days after ANY kind of squat workout my butt hurts so bad I can't sit on ANYTHING... chair, car seat, toilet, top of short file cabinet (huge mistake).  I start everyday in the shower bending over and touching my toes several times, it really helps get the blood flowing, and 2 days after a squat workout I'm lucky if I can touch my knees.  You know what I said earlier... I'm fine if I never do another squat in my life... I don't like a thing about 'em... Not A Damn Thing!

New Thing I'm Diggin'
Been tea toddling' since the latest Royal wedding and this one rocks...
Lipton Green Tea with Orange, Passionfruit & Jasmine

Nuts are great for weight loss AND your own nuts!
How are nuts good for weight loss if they are so nutrient dense and loaded with fats?  Here's what I read recently read.  Nuts are a high energy (calorie) food with calories coming predominantly from protein and fat.  Protein is a valuable contributor to fat loss and the fats from nuts are the healthy variety including Omega 3 fatty acids.  When I refer to nuts I refer to tree nuts. Take note that all others are technically legumes that grow from a plant. Cashews and peanuts are examples.  Nuts were a staple of our ancestors before the advent of agriculture. Our bodies long association with nuts virtually guarantees their compatibility with our digestive systems.  Magnesium and vitamin E are micro nutrients that nuts provide in abundance.  Magnesium is a mineral heavily implicated in healthy fat loss and is one of the minerals that we get the least of when compared to the diets of our ancestors.

  • Walnuts
Walnuts may be the superstar of healthy nuts. They are full of antioxidants with one study showing that they contain more than blueberries.  Walnuts are also a rich source of heart-protective omega-3 fatty acids. They lower total and so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol, work to preserve bone, and even may slow the growth of malignant tumors of the breast and prostate. I've been eating an ounce of these every morning for the last month
  • Pistachios
Pistachios are known for battling bad cholesterol. While all kinds of nuts help lower cholesterol, pistachios reduce the amount of oxidized “bad” cholesterol, which is considered more deadly than simply elevated cholesterol because it speeds up the formation of plaque deposits in arteries. This information was reported in a Penn State University study.
  • Almonds
While almonds have been known as a good source of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, a study published several years ago in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found they contain levels of antioxidants comparable to amounts found in green and black tea and broccoli. Catechin, epicatechin, and kaempferol, the main antioxidant compounds found in almonds, offer the greatest degree of cell death protection from oxidants, researchers reported.  Whenever I need a between meal snack, I grab a handful of almonds.
  • Pecans
In addition to its cholesterol-lowering powers, the pecan may protect the nervous system by delaying the progression of age-related motor neuron degeneration, according to a study published earlier this year in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. Researchers suggested vitamin E, an antioxidant found in pecans, may be the key factor. Previous studies have shown that antioxidants help fight Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
  • Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are a rich source of magnesium, one of the minerals that regulate blood pressure. In addition to heart health, Brazil nuts also may play a role in protecting the prostate. The nuts contain another mineral, selenium, a lack of which has been linked to prostate cancer. Stanford University researchers found that men diagnosed with prostate cancer had much lower selenium levels than healthy men years before their cancer was diagnosed. High blood levels of selenium were associated with a four to fivefold decrease in the odds of developing prostate cancer, researchers discovered. Two freshly shelled Brazil nuts provide the recommended daily amount of 200 mcg of selenium.

Another Memorial Day is less than a month away
We're coming up on the 10th Anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil.  I read something Memorial Day weekend that I wrote down in a notebook so I would never forget it... We Are The Land Of The Free BECAUSE Of The Brave!  Have you ever thought about what you do or say in a day, a week, month or year that honors that bravery.  And I don't mean standing before the ballgame or wearing your Old Navy tee on the 4th, I mean really doing something that fosters the spirit of togetherness.  Maybe that sounds a bit too 'fairytale' like.  I guess my point really is... when did being hurtful become a strategy and when did being, the smarter opponent, stop being the most important battle plan.  Of all the groups of people I've been a part of that were broken apart, you know what did it?  Dissension!  It's starting to feel like this country is 'pegging the meter' again!

And on the subject of being hurtful... a couple weeks ago I overheard a conversation where one person believed someone they knew wasn't likely to succeed with their weight loss goals because they were TOO FAT.  If you ever feel like someone might say that about you PLEASE KNOW THIS:  It will be hard and often it may suck, but it can be done!  The sweetest things in this life take a little bit of work... but YOUR reward will be GREAT and the way you feel will be almost indescribable.   I have now lost 52lbs. since the 4th of March 

That's this bag of salt plus,

this gallon of milk and...
                                                                                                                       and this half-gallon

and when you put your weight lost in this perspective it gives you all the motivation you need!

Now the massive applications of Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion... thanks for the tip mom's!  I can't believe this might work.  One thing's for sure, I smell so good after putting this stuff on I feel like a dessert!

Making Cardio Suck Less!

A song to put in your iPod to help get through the dreaded Cardio!  It was Madonna's 53rd birthday this week, and while this song might not make you want to go faster... it will make you feel sexier

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Small, Medium & Large

Did you celebrate your independence this weekend?  The diet and I needed some space, so I celebrated OUR independence... I missed her!!  Here's something I learned from my gluttony this weekend.  A plate of General Tso chicken can make you uncomfortable in your own skin.  Dr. Savic said that feeling like I wanted to explode is a sign that my stomach has shrunk and I won't be able to eat like that anymore.  Is that a breakthrough?  It sorta feels like one.  
Milk Duds On My Chest
Some other good news to report... I went to the pool twice this weekend and the 'milk duds' (my nipples) made an appearance.  For heavy guys who don't like the way their body looks, a shirt is ALWAYS required at the pool or beach.  As happy as my milk duds were to see the sights, I still want the platters flatter!!
Hey Willie & Kate... I Tea Now!
I just read in Men's Heath magazine about how good green-tea extract is for boosting weight loss (small but significant).  I asked Dr. Savic what was better; the extract or drinking green tea? She said it was better to drink the tea.  For every bit of my adult life I have been a coffee drinker and I'm very particular about what I drink.  It's french vanilla with creamer & Splenda and I bet I drink a pot everyday.  Until now I've only had 2 kinds of tea... Iced and Long Island (the later is probably most responsible for many enormous 'bar time' breakfasts).  I have always associated tea with the Brits and Knitters.  I don't knit so... "Willie & Kate, I'll bring my own.  See ya at the palace!  The tea I bought is FANTASTIC!!  Lipton's Green Tea with Purple Acai and Blueberry.
Anybody Need A Drink?
I like cocktails!  Here's one you should try:
Black Cherry Kool Aid (made with Splenda)

Doc says vodka needs to be my drink, and I've been a Capt. Morgan drinker for years.  I don't have a lot a vodka cocktail making you have a recipe?  Please post in comments
Family Description
Just wanted to share something my 5yr. old daughter said the other day.  Someone asked her if she wanted a "small, medium or large", she turned to me and said; "that's me, mommy & you... small, medium and large."  Then she giggled, then I bought her the large.  That was a small price to pay for the sound of her laugh!

And lastly, a new regular blog feature.  Getting through cardio at the end of a good workout can be really tough, but a good song can really put wind at your back (or fire in your butt).  At the end of every post I will give you a song YOU MUST ADD to your iPod.  We'll call the feature:
Making Cardio Suck Less!
Saw Maroon 5 last Saturday at Summerfest... these guys can carve a groove in concrete!  
You will start whistling and you won't be able to stop.

Friday, July 1, 2011

10 Years = 102lbs Of Wedded Bliss!!!!

On June 23rd I celebrated my 10th Anniversary with most fabulous woman and 102 pounds lighter than my wedding day.  A 350lb. Type 2 diabetic... how the F#@! did I get that out of shape!!!???  8 years before our wedding (June 2001), I was living in Virginia Beach, had a 34" waist and I looked like these guys...

Ohhhh you doubter!  

Oooo, Oooo, Oooo!

I love you!!
From 1993 to 2001 I put on over 120lbs and then I got hit with the 'fat guy' illnesses...  sleep apnea & type 2 diabetes. And you know what I COULD blame... a great job, money, sundown-sun up partying and bar-time drive thru's.  They really did a number on me!  Up at 3:30, work til noon, go out to lunch (margaritas & mexican), go buy a new outfit, dinner out, home to shower, head to the Sportspage to DJ all night, hit Mickey D's or Uncle Nicks, eat the food on the couch watching tv and fall asleep on the couch!  I COULD blame all of that or the fact that I'm alone with nobody to share ANYTHING with.
Meeting my wife in 1997 wasn't enough to pull me out of the rut either... unconditional love is a double-edged sword.  She didn't care that I was that big and she'd never seen me 'in shape' so I just let my lifestyle continue.  Five years after meeting Mary Beth, I got real jealous of how she could go anywhere to buy clothes and I had just Fat Ass Store #1 & Fat Ass Store #2.  And while we're on the subject of Big & Tall sections, what the hell is with their sizing?  It's like they think you're either Tall & thin OR Short & fat... the damn store is called big AND tall not big OR tall!!!  Anyway, I started going to the gym to try and lose some girth and the lady that owned the gym suggested I try the Atkins diet... so I did.  I lost about 30lbs and I was eating any piece of meat my 'caveman' ass could get.  THIS WAS AWESOME!!!!!  Then, as with any 'lifestyle' change, I hit a plateau.  I got a little discouraged and stopped going to the gym for quite a while.  I had read plenty of how transitioning off the Atkins diet, if not done right, could cause you to gain some of the weight back and now I had normal carbs back in my diet and I was starting to lose weight again (without exercise).  I also could never quench my thirst and I got up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom.  You might know what came next... doctor said; "you have type 2 diabetes!"

I took it serious... at least enough to stop drinking regular pepsi.  I was 35 and still had that stupid "Man-tality" that I'll just take some pills and shake it off!  I had good insurance so the pills didn't cost much and I was cutting extra sugar out of my consumption everywhere.  And guess what happened?  The friggin' weight came back and then some!!!!

So after our wedding, I saw the pictures (oh, BTW I was wearing a white jacket) DO YOU KNOW HOW FAT A FAT GUY LOOKS IN WHITE?) and it was time to go back to the gym.  This time it was like I was possessed!  I became a sponge for every tip a trainer would give and I hit that Atkins diet again like it was my job.  In about a year I got down to 260 and then I stopped again.  Not sure why, I guess my car didn't like passing my house to go to the gym anymore.  Then for the next couple years until our daughter was born in 2005, I slowly put 30lbs back on... I'm the one who couldn't get rid of the baby weight.  My wife gained 52lbs during her pregnancy and lost it in just a couple months (she was hoping to keep the Double-D's nature gave her, but she lost that too).  For the next almost 6 years I just floated between 290-300 and sporadically hit the gym.

Then THIS March, I booked an appointment with Dr. Lydia Savic, she helped me "get after" this weight & diabetes, and now I weigh 248 and am excited to say that my waist has gone down from 44" to 36".  I am OFFICIALLY a "Clothes Horse" again!!!  There are things that couples do SO WELL that they could go pro... for me & mb it's definitely shopping!  

Mary Beth showing off her new Anniversary Boots from Roxy Carmichael.
As a matter of fact Old Navy is having a "Buy 2 get 1 free" sale today so I'm shutting the Macbook down and hittin' the bricks!!  Have a great Fourth of July!!!  Have the burger & brat... hold the buns, and eat an apple EVERYDAY!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Food Rut

I'm going through one of those "lazy food" periods where I don't try many NEW things.  I don't know if it's 'I like these 5 or 6 things and that's it' or 'not enough time to try cooking something new' or a combination of both.  But here's what I'm diggin' right now:

Traditional rotisserie chicken (Walmart)
Ground chuck taco meat (with Goya Sazon low sodium spice)
Grilled sirloin
Egg whites
Black Beans
Baby spinach salad (I eat about 2 to 3 cups of this a day)
Kemps Light Lemon yogurt
Fuji Apples

For the last 3 weeks I just keep rotating those foods.  And then every 10 days I have a Treat Day!!!

Dr. Savic gave me some food rules to follow to get this weight down and get rid of my Type 2 diabetes.  
1 slice of whole wheat bread per day a sweet potato every 3 days, pasta every 10 days and rice or pizza once a month.  Also, no more than 150 grams of carbs per 24hr. period.
These foods make it simple to follow these rules.  Most days I never have the bread and I haven't had pasta in over a month.

And I LOVE THESE... The Atkins Peanut Butter Cups!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From Boobs To Pecs To A Pumpkin Peel

So the 'man-boobless' part of Tuesday took another exciting turn while at Dr. Savic's office on Roxbury (Yes!  You should make an appointment!!  815-381-7005).  She introduces me to a rep from Dermaquest Skin Therapy and she asks if I'd like to lay down on the table behind me and get a Pumpkin Pulp Peel.  I have limited knowledge on the purpose of a peel, so I asked; "what will it do?"  The Dermaquest rep said, "it will reverse some signs of aging and it will tighten your skin."  "Heck Yeah... put it on my Man-boobs"; says the man with limited peel knowledge.  Let's just say my peel knowledge had an 'up-tick.'

20 minutes and 5 face products later I was out the door with a youthful face tighter than a snare drum and tits that are now pecs!  Start feeling sorry for my wife, Mary Beth, because I'm feeling "Lenny Kravitz/Brad Pitt" sexy and instead of 43 years old, I feel like one of Justin Bieber's classmates. She's not going to be home from work for 5 hours, which means I will have had a lot of time to stare at myself in the mirror.  By the way, do you know how many times you can flex your chest and stare at your face in the mirror in 5 hours?  I stopped counting when my daughter said; "you're not Lenny Kravitz", while I was singing in the mirror.

Sure she's right, but one day he may need a NEW drummer, and I need to be ready!!!  Here's Lenny's new single, Stand.

My Peel & Pec day was amazing until...........

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Something Good Has To Happen To Me Today!

Who's alarm goes off at 3:30am...?  Come on, show of hands!  This morning was one of those mornings where, as a husband and parent, you don't want to leave the bed...EVER!  But I had to, and I couldn't help but feel something good better happen to me today because I did.  Here's how the day started:

3:30AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!!
(that's the ridiculously loud sound that comes from my Bose Wave radio, which is the only alarm that can get loud enough to pull me out of Stage 5, rapidly eye-moving, massive eye-booger making state.  Did you know all that REM is what makes your eye boogers?)

3:40AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WA - BAM! (sound of hitting snooze)
...yes I'm going through a 'sound effect' stage right now

3:50AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!! - BAM!!  Ok... I'm up!!

3:50:30 - Scowl at wife because she gets to sleep some more... but wait!

3:50:35 - Look who came in to sleep with us in the middle of the night... my baby girl!  I still love it when she does that!!

3:50:45 - Scowl at both my girls because they BOTH get to sleep some more.  Then BOOM!!

3:51 - Something good better happen to me today for having to leave this bed AND my girls!

Mind if I skip ahead a bit?  Cool!

4:45 - 8oz. Vanilla whey protein w/ skim milk

6:30 - Phentermine pill (37.5mg)

1 sm. Organic Fuji Apple
1 Kemps Light Non-fat Lemon Yogurt (39 cents @ Woodmans)
1 Multi-vitamin (NOW brand Adam)

10:15 - Pre-workout snack
1 Atkins protein bar

11:00 - Gym
10 Minute treadmill warmup
3-Chest Supersets (2 different exercises in a row)
A sweet abdomen exercise taught to me by this guy

Escape with Bobby Momenteller: Trailer from Jim Spelman on Vimeo.

I'm going to record myself doing it because it's too hard to explain (promise me that when you see it, you'll pretend you're looking at Bobby from the video above!)

And I finished with...

12 minutes of interval cardio on treadmill (I should have done more, but I had an appt. with Dr. Savic at 12:15.

Do you remember what I was in search of today...?  Probably not, since I see you wiping up drool from that video.  I'll refresh ya...Something good has got to happen to me today in exchange for leaving my beautiful girls in that comfy bed!

And 10 minutes into my appt. with Dr. Savic it happened!!!!!  I ask Dr. Savic how she thinks I look.  And yes, I was fishing for a compliment not gonna lie... it feels REALLY good right now.  And then Dr. Savic says one of the few things I've been waiting to hear....

"YOU HAVE PECS NOW!"  I ask, "so you don't think I need a bra anymore?" And she says "sure!"

You know what that means... not too long before No Shirt At The Pool!

P.S. Just wanted to share the song that played in my ears when I started my cardio today.  It made me feel like I could run for hours!!!