BOOM is...
a loud, deep, resonant sound
a movable arm over a DJ, carrying a mic
a period of great prosperity or rapid growth
Steve Shannon's BOOM BOOM room is ALL THAT! Let's talk about it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Something Good Has To Happen To Me Today!

Who's alarm goes off at 3:30am...?  Come on, show of hands!  This morning was one of those mornings where, as a husband and parent, you don't want to leave the bed...EVER!  But I had to, and I couldn't help but feel something good better happen to me today because I did.  Here's how the day started:

3:30AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!!
(that's the ridiculously loud sound that comes from my Bose Wave radio, which is the only alarm that can get loud enough to pull me out of Stage 5, rapidly eye-moving, massive eye-booger making state.  Did you know all that REM is what makes your eye boogers?)

3:40AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WA - BAM! (sound of hitting snooze)
...yes I'm going through a 'sound effect' stage right now

3:50AM - WAHH!!  WAHH!!  WAHH!! - BAM!!  Ok... I'm up!!

3:50:30 - Scowl at wife because she gets to sleep some more... but wait!

3:50:35 - Look who came in to sleep with us in the middle of the night... my baby girl!  I still love it when she does that!!

3:50:45 - Scowl at both my girls because they BOTH get to sleep some more.  Then BOOM!!

3:51 - Something good better happen to me today for having to leave this bed AND my girls!

Mind if I skip ahead a bit?  Cool!

4:45 - 8oz. Vanilla whey protein w/ skim milk

6:30 - Phentermine pill (37.5mg)

1 sm. Organic Fuji Apple
1 Kemps Light Non-fat Lemon Yogurt (39 cents @ Woodmans)
1 Multi-vitamin (NOW brand Adam)

10:15 - Pre-workout snack
1 Atkins protein bar

11:00 - Gym
10 Minute treadmill warmup
3-Chest Supersets (2 different exercises in a row)
A sweet abdomen exercise taught to me by this guy

Escape with Bobby Momenteller: Trailer from Jim Spelman on Vimeo.

I'm going to record myself doing it because it's too hard to explain (promise me that when you see it, you'll pretend you're looking at Bobby from the video above!)

And I finished with...

12 minutes of interval cardio on treadmill (I should have done more, but I had an appt. with Dr. Savic at 12:15.

Do you remember what I was in search of today...?  Probably not, since I see you wiping up drool from that video.  I'll refresh ya...Something good has got to happen to me today in exchange for leaving my beautiful girls in that comfy bed!

And 10 minutes into my appt. with Dr. Savic it happened!!!!!  I ask Dr. Savic how she thinks I look.  And yes, I was fishing for a compliment not gonna lie... it feels REALLY good right now.  And then Dr. Savic says one of the few things I've been waiting to hear....

"YOU HAVE PECS NOW!"  I ask, "so you don't think I need a bra anymore?" And she says "sure!"

You know what that means... not too long before No Shirt At The Pool!

P.S. Just wanted to share the song that played in my ears when I started my cardio today.  It made me feel like I could run for hours!!!


  1. I am so jealous of you right now Steve Shannon!! I need to get moving!! Hopefully you are inspiring me!

  2. Congrats, Steve! I know this has been something you've strived for for many years! And there's no one quite like Bobby Momenteller at the Asylum Gym to help one get to that elusive place in their fitness program! He's da man!

  3. Fantastic! But I want more! Big surprise there, right? What happened the rest of the day? What else did you eat??
    And the thing I REALLY want to know is how does Mary Beth keep from wanting to KILL you when that alarm goes off not once, but THREE times at the crack of freaking dawn????? ;)
    You are doing great, keep up the good work! And more, more, more when it comes to your posts!

  4. First of all, thanks for the great tune. This one will definitely show up in my Spin class next week. Second of all "OUCH" on the Bobby Momenteller vid and yes (sorry Paul) I did drool a bit.

    Last, but not least by any sense of the word, I am so damn proud of you, Steve!! I had no clue you were diabetic and good for you for being so close to getting off the meds. I hope you are feeling half as good as you are looking. Love ya!! Muuwwaa.

