BOOM is...
a loud, deep, resonant sound
a movable arm over a DJ, carrying a mic
a period of great prosperity or rapid growth
Steve Shannon's BOOM BOOM room is ALL THAT! Let's talk about it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This time it worked... I'm as surprised as you

I am NOT an expert on weight loss or fitness. But I listen to those that are and have applied what works for ME. Nothing is more important than doing what works for YOU. Maybe we'll have some things in common, maybe we won't, but we'll never be able to help each other if we don't share. Good food, awful food, workout ideas, music to motivate, good days, bad days...everything!

Counting calories, fat grams, carbs, getting on a scale everyday and everything else that goes with a cumbersome, time consuming diet is EXACTLY WHY I'VE FAILED BEFORE!  In some way, I'm sure those types of things help other people, just not me.  I like to think of myself as being organized, but I don't carry a man-purse so I'll misplace a 'food journal.'  That 'lost' journal turns into writing things down on small pieces of paper and that turns into my wife telling me to "pick up my s#!@."  Once I get to a weight I like, I really need to work on not leaving my stuff everywhere... at least the clothes I might leave lying around are smaller now.

Friday, March 4, 2011 was my first appointment with Dr. Lydia Savic and I told her about my Type 2 diabetes and that I wanted to lose some weight.  The diabetes was first on my list of things I wanted to change about myself.  The only reason I have it is because I put on too much weight.  When I got married in 2001 I weighed 350lbs. and shortly after that I got the news that I had to start taking pills for diabetes.  Although I'm on the right track now, I wish I would have taken it more seriously then.  Not only do I want to be here for a long time but I don't want to spend over $200 a month on meds and testing strips.

Dr. Savic discussed a plan with me that she thought would work.  First, I had to start eating breakfast (I'll  tell you what my breakfast's are later).  I need to exercise regularly (more on this later) and she prescribed a pill to help with my appetite, Phentermine.  She made the food choices easy to understand AND to keep track of:  1 slice of whole wheat bread per day, a sweet potato every 3 days, pasta every 10 days and rice or pizza once a month.  Also, no more than 150 grams of carbs per 24hr. period.  I eat greens beens and spinach like crazy and I use Atkins brand protein bars and EAS protein drinks as needed.  As far as proteins (meat, chicken, fish & eggs), I eat as much as I feel like eating.  Remember, this is what is working for ME, Dr. Savic can find a way that works for YOU.  When I started changing my life on March 4 I weighed 287, today I weigh 248 and I've gone from a 44" waist to a 38".  To no longer take diabetic meds I need an A1C score of 6.5, my latest is 6.7.  I can't wait to share more of how I got here and where this can go for all of us from here!  See ya soon, at The Pool With No Shirt


  1. Congrats man! Love ya and keep up the fight!

  2. I lost 100 lbs once with phentermine and hard work. good for you! good luck.

  3. nice and great job!!!!! thank you Steve!!!

  4. Good for you Steve!! Keep up the good work! You motivate me!! Thank you!!

  5. Congratulations on your success, keep up the good work!

  6. Good for you, Steve. Keep up the great work because you look awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what your fitness regiment is :-) I hope you get that diabetes under control soon - no meds would definitely be a good thing!!

  7. I am sooooo excited for you! I am starting my own weight loss journey...time to get serious! You are an inspiration :) Love Ya!

  8. WOW. You're doing great!! Keep it up. I'll be looking for your next post!!!

  9. Congrats on your progress and good luck with the rest of your journey!
