BOOM is...
a loud, deep, resonant sound
a movable arm over a DJ, carrying a mic
a period of great prosperity or rapid growth
Steve Shannon's BOOM BOOM room is ALL THAT! Let's talk about it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Can you hear the

So I'm 3 weeks into building the muscular body I've always wanted at Premier Fitness and I'm finding something deep inside I 
DO NOT recognize.

Driving Through The Pain

My familiar friends are still around:
The pain around the 4" titanium screw in my left foot
The pain in my right leg from tearing away all the ligaments that hold my quad to my knee
Blah, blah blah...

I'm the guy who just hung it up after it started to hurt.  Couldn't focus, didn't care, how could it be good to keep going when I hurt... blah, blah, blah.

I don't know where this ability to rip right through it is coming from.

Squeezing out sets of bicep curls until my arms are screaming.
So many squats I can't sit down without falling into the chair.
I worked my legs so hard this week that I almost threw up twice.
3 weeks ago it took me 20 minutes to do a mile on the treadmill,
2 weeks ago... 15 minutes,
NOW 11 minutes!
And the knee and foot aren't pleased!  But I don't seem to care.

I've got a goal... ALL THE REST IS BULLSHIT!

If I can do this... YOU CAN DO THIS!

March 4, 2011

almost 50lbs lost and from near 40% body fat to 20.64%

And I'm not done yet!!!!!!!!!!!

We must be ferocious... SO LOUD, THEY'RE AFRAID OF US!!!!
My dog, Pacino, doesn't like shovels... me neither

Has your game been suffering?  Here's a great way to give it a boost... Tip The Bartender WELL!  New (Harris Interactive) research says one of the Fastest ways to turn off a date is to nickel and dime the bartender.  More than half of women in the survey said they wouldn't go on another date with someone who didn't leave a tip.  63% of women said they find guys who leave good tips for bartenders more appealing.  60% of men said the same thing.  I have worked in nightclubs since the age of 16 and this research is DEAD ON!

SOFIA VERGARA loves thin, tight, stretchy pants.  And I love when people take pictures of her in thin, tight, stretchy pants.  You will too!

View the entire EPIC gallery here.

The holidays are a time to reunite with family, which makes certain things tricky:  Try having intimate relations with your spouse when you have relatives sleeping on an air mattress in the next room.

4 Ways To Get IT Done!
1. Long showers
2. Set the alarm for the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep or before everyone gets up.  Keep the volume down Cletus!
3. Take a nap.  Prepared the big meal, now you're exhausted and you need to 'lay down' for awhile.  Then your spouse will need to 'check on you'
4. Bribery.  "Here's 50 bucks, why don't ya'll go bowling while we --clean up--"

Merry Christmas to you and your family!  Let the stress go, have some treats and enjoy each other!

Let's make 2012 BOOM like a ... (Samuel L. Jackson's word)!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I voiced a commercial recently with a line about "life having meaning & purpose."  In one way or another I'll bet we all know what ours might be.  Here's the question I want to know... Does your life have enough BOOM?  

Those moments that almost knock you off your feet.  
Your favorite song turned all the way up while you're in your car
Dancing to that song on a crowded dance floor
Blasting through the last part of your workout knowing it's almost over
A kiss from someone you love that sends you straight to the sky
Your child discovering or learning something brand new
Buying a new pair of jeans A SIZE SMALLER!
you get the idea...

I'll bet you want more BOOM... I know I do!  I needed to make some changes in my life to make room for new BOOM (I promise not to keep making that rhyme).  The BOOM I was making, for the past 7 years, on the drums with The Stevee Nix has come to an end.  Now it's time to bring the...

DRUMS and the DJ gear out together!

I really miss the feeling of being right up next to a packed dance floor and all the different kinds of parties we can have together. 

Steve Shannon's Boom Boom Room Live!

 Boom Boom Room LIVE!
Saturday, December 17 @ Jumpin' Joe's 
1100 W. Galena Ave. Freeport, IL
Link to Facebook invite

Saturday, February 11 @ Tilted Kilt
Little Black Dress with 80's Hair
*This party is all 80's music

Saturday, March 3 @ Giovanni's
Swedish American Cruise Gala
*Tickets & show details coming soon

Saturday, March 17 @ Tilted Kilt
St. Patrick's Day Party

Friday, April 20 @ Kaney Aerospace Hangar
80's Party to benefit The Carrie Lynne Center
*Tickets & show details coming soon

Saturday, April 21 @ Flodin Boys & Girls Club
Retro Prom
*Tickets & show details coming soon

For bookings please send email requests to:

I'm going to confess my crime right away.  The next line IS stolen!

"Snow Time Is Grow Time"

We're hitting the season of layering our clothes and I like the idea of 'covering up' for the next several months and coming out on the other side (Spring), with a t-shirt covered "gun show" with a pec and ab parking lot (that last line was mine... don't do the crime if you can't do the time right?) 

If you read this blog regularly you're gonna see The Rock's picture often.  My goal is to see myself hanging from that bar looking like that.  A brotha's gotta have goals right!?!  Lofty as they may be.

That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.  I'm not completely sure how (just yet), but I'm learning.  I wish to be relentless in my education and execution.  I write this for two reasons; 1-affirmation and 2-accountability.

On the subject of accountability, I blew it recently!  My latest (Type 2) Diabetic A1C was a 7.2 and that's not the direction I wanted.  Prior to this latest test was my best A1C since diagnosis, a 6.7, and I was hoping for a 6.5 which would mean I could stop taking the 1 -  Actoplus Metformin (15/500) pill I take everyday.  For a Type 2 diabetic, this test is taken every 3 months and in that time I know exactly what caused the change - my workouts got a little scarce, a vacation and I slipped with my eating habits.  I lost more weight during that time, which is why Dr. Savic said the number wasn't higher.  But I know why this occurred and for me, that's a first.  I usually just put my head back in the sand and pretend it didn't happen. 

The Education

Why do so many men at the gym have wonderful upper-bodies with "Chicken Legs?"  I never understood why anyone would spend so much time building all that muscle and walk it around on a couple of sticks.  If there is an upside to being so overweight for so long, for me it was this - my legs are strong from carrying my fat-ass around.

I've got to step up my workouts for muscle growth now and I can't ignore a single body part, especially legs.  From Men's Health magazine, October 2011
...we burn more calories the day after a lower-body resistance session than the day after we work out our upper bodies because our lower half houses more muscle.  For more click here.
The experts from the article say the best approach, if working out only 3 or 4 days a week, is to train your entire body every other day.  Maximum metabolism elevation all week long!

The Execution
Last week I started training with Danny Stevens (owner) of the NEW Premier Fitness (Perryville, next to Gander Mountain).  "Train Together-Triumph Alone" is his motto and I couldn't be more excited for the future.  Stop by this place ASAP and see his beautiful new gym!  Danny refers to his ab sets as the "Ab Shredder"... and YES IT WAS!!!  He said; "great abs are made in the kitchen, but we're still gonna work 'em here.  I think the next few months are really going to test what I'm made of... sure hope I like the answer.

Weekday mornings 5:30-10am CDT
Listen globally here

Lemme tell ya 'bout the LEMON!

Lemon water is rich in several essential nutrients. It is known to have antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts immune system, improves digestion and maintains overall health. It can be used to treat various health conditions and prevent infections. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that you begin your day with refreshing lemon water.

• Lemon water is the best source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It removes harmful, free radicals from the body and improves immune systems. Lemon water also acts as a blood purifier.
• Lemon water is used to prevent and treat different infections as well as to control allergies. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is effective in healing wounds. Lemon water is helpful in relieving symptoms of sore throat, tonsillitis or asthma. 
• Lemon water plays an important role in maintaining digestive health. It boosts metabolism and improves functioning of digestive systems and prevents various digestive problems like constipation, indigestion, nausea, heartburn and parasites. It also helps dissolve gallstones. • Lemon water is effective in body cleansing and detoxification. It maintains good health by eliminating harmful toxins from the body. 
• Another important benefit of lemon water is that it strengthens liver functioning and stimulates it to produce more enzymes essential for different body processes. A well-functioning liver is the key to a healthy body. 
• Since lemon water has a diuretic effect, it is beneficial for people with urinary tract infections. 
• Lemon water is helpful in treating arthritis and rheumatism. 
• Daily consumption of warm lemon water is one of the effective remedies to get rid of obesity and belly fat. 
• Lemon water is one of the most effective regimens for skin and hair care. 

Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It rejuvenates the skin and gives a clear, radiant, glowing complexion. Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for acne control. It can also be used to treat various skin diseases like eczema. Application of lemon juice on the skin is effective in preventing sunburn. If you apply lemon water to your hair for a few minutes and then rinse with water, it will make your hair clean and shiny.  Lemon juice externally applied on the nostrils can help stop nosebleeds and when massaged onto the gums control bleeding gums . Lemon juice combined with glycerin is effective to heal chapped lips.

Squeeze a slice in your bottle and enjoy this little "Lemon" ditty!

In the latest Men's Health magazine, The 100 Sexiest Women Of All Time. And I couldn't agree with #1 more! I've sat through some of the shittiest movies just to stare at her. For most of the 90's you couldn't get away from her hairstyle or her nipples... good times! The Sexiest Woman of all Time, according to Men's Health... JENNIFER ANNISTON

(from Danny Stevens of Premier Fitness) Brother's really big into squeezin' that muscle at the end of each rep and in all seriousness, it's putting more blood in the muscle and THAT'S what's gonna make 'em grow so I gotta get with it but it will really wear you down. So were doing hamstrings and I tell him that I'm going to have issues with the squeeze here because I get 'charlie horses' often in my hamstrings from playing drums (especially in the summer). Then he throws me a tip for muscle cramps that I can't wait to see work. Eat some salt when you get the cramp and he said I will go right away.

Honestly, in my opinion, most new Christmas songs are terrible. The classics still work... even when current artists redo them. But, once in a while a NEW one sounds pretty good...Time to WAKE UP the HAPPINESS! Train's Shake Up Christmas.

Who Got TheBOOM?
And we close with... A little boom from the birthday girl! Sheila E. (12/12) on David Letterman Drum Solo Week. And she BOOMS in heels!!!!!!

Steve Shannon's Boom Boom Room
Coming to Facebook soon!